Disney movies are among our family’s favorites especially since our girls are all about Disney princesses! Each movie plays out the traditional story line in some way..boy meets girl…boy and girl fall in love…someone tries to destroy their perfect happiness…all that and sprinkle in some other story lines and comic relief and you have Disney animation in a nutshell!
Over the holiday break we took our kids to see Disney’s latest animation come to life Frozen! What a great movie…great characters,story line,and lots of great songs!
My blonde sweet girl and I started dancing around the house this morning singing the songs and that got me thinking about the movie,which lead me to start analyzing the movie..watch out when my wheels start turning…my family usually runs for cover! I thought there were some really great life lessons from this movie that I would like to share with you!
5 life lessons from Frozen:
Family Is Everything!
Through good times and bad, family is everything. I know that that is not always the case in every family dynamic, believe me in my years of being a social worker I have seen some real brokenness. My hubby and I are teaching our kids to stick together,be there for each other,rely on one another, and love no matter what.
Share Your Pain/Struggles & Good Times, Too!
Sadly, Elsa and Anna ended up with only one another. Elsa shut Anna out to protect her,but Anna had no idea. Communicate with those around you-be open with your struggles,your pain,your hurts, and share your best moments and your joyful times too! We are hard wired to connect to people in relationships! Find those people in your life who will walk your life’s journey with you!
“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable, be honest and transparent anyway.” Mother Teresa
Choose Your Soul Mate Wisely!
Speaking of life’s journey…choosing who you spend your life with is a pretty big deal, so choose wisely! I tell my kids that you are heirs to God’s throne which makes you prince and princesses and you should be treated as such! One of my favorite bible verses is Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.” Anna’s first choice Hans didn’t pan out so great…it took getting to know someone and seeing their true heart and character for her to realize that Kristoff was the right choice!
Everyone Needs A Little Comic Relief 🙂
If you have any kids in your life, then you know that there is no end to the comic relief over some of the silly and goofy things they do, say, and things you do together! My hubby and I look to create our home to be one where you can laugh out loud often! Olaf gave the movie Frozen just that..a reason to laugh out loud!
Be Who God Created You To Be!
When Elsa and Anna were honest with each other communicating their struggles and hurts they became everything to one another and they were able to go on a great adventure together and later rule the kingdom that their parents legacy had left for them, and of course as all Disney princess stories go there was a little love shared along the way as Anna and Kristoff fell in love! Being who God created you to be is always the way to go 🙂
Brenda, blog author of {chatting over chocolate} put together some really awesome Frozen printables, activities, games, food and more. I recommend clicking on the link to her blog to check out these great Frozen things! I printed out some of the coloring sheets to give to my kids to color and while they did I talked with them about these five life lessons! We listened to the soundtrack while coloring and chatting and now I have the song “Let It Go” stuck in my head.
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Our Favorite Movie Snack: